Safkhet Publishing proudly presents
by Suzie Tullett
a romantic comedy which releases today!
Promises – easy to make, hard to keep.
Having long made a promise to her husband, young widow Annabel has no intentions of breaking it. What she does plan to do, though, is have a baby. Not the easiest of tasks for a woman with a deceased other half, and having explored all her options, her only choice is to take the unconventional route. Setting out to find her own donor, Annabel meets Dan. Single, fun-loving and definitely not looking for commitment, this unruly blonde, blue-eyed man seems perfect for the job.
Dan wants nothing more than to find his dream woman. But with a mother intent on sabotaging his every relationship, he can't help but think he's destined to remain single. Of course, he knows his mother doesn't really want him all for herself, why else would she keep insisting he meet Maeve? Why else would she insist Dan promise to find himself a wife before she meets her maker?
Forced to negotiate matters of love, life and death, Annabel and Dan seem the answer to each other's prayers. But will they really be able to keep the promises they made? And is having a baby really the solution?
The Trouble with Words by Suzie Tullett is available on Amazon:
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Trouble-Words-Suzie-Tullett-ebook/dp/B0153VEIFI/
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Trouble-Words-Suzie-Tullett-ebook/dp/B0153VEIFI/
Amazon EU: http://www.amazon.de/Trouble-Words-Suzie-Tullett-ebook/dp/B0153VEIFI/
How you developed the characters in The Trouble with Words and if they took a different route from what you had originally planned?
When it comes to writing novels, I always, always, always start with my characters. It’s their story I’m telling so I have to know everything about them. I don’t just give them names and an appearance; I make notes on everything from their professions, to their backgrounds, to their earliest memories and even their favourite colours and star signs. Character profiles are my way of getting into my characters’ heads and making sure I stay there.
As you can imagine, this means I knew all I needed to know about my hero and heroine in The Trouble with Words, well before I began writing the manuscript. For example, I knew that Annabel drove a classic, little mini, lived in row of tiny cottages and that although she’d loved and lost, what a love it had been. I also knew that Dan was colour blind, hated being the centre of attention and that one of his earliest memories involved the death of the family’s pet dog.
Needless to say, much of this character development never actually reaches the page, but it does give me a level of understanding I wouldn’t otherwise have.
Whatever book I’m writing though, it’s from here that I start to think about the inciting incident; the one thing that happens to turn my characters’ lives upside down, which inevitably leads me to the plot line. And because I’m clearly a plotter and not a panster, as well as having an in-depth knowledge of my characters and their lives, I have to have a good idea as to where the story is going. Hence, the need for a chapter breakdown.
I appreciate all this work might seem a bit unnecessary to some, but I love each of these stages. My imagination gets to run riot no matter where in the writing process I happen to be.
That’s not to say things don’t change though. Characters sometimes take over no matter how much preparation has been done. They lead their authors down a different route and to some extent this is what happened with Dan and his mother. Whilst the two of them seemed happy with the relationship I’d drawn for them, they kept insisting I upped the stakes. Of course, it was only when I began to listen that I realised they were right.
However, this also signalled Gerry’s demise, something I found quite sad considering how much fun she was to write. In fact, such was her character I’d go as far as saying she deserved a book all of her own. Maybe I should do an E.L.James and re-write The Trouble with Words, except this time from Gerry’s point of view? Although I suppose that would only mean having to say goodbye to the woman all over again.
Suzie Tullett is an author of contemporary humorous fiction and romantic comedy. As well as The Trouble with Words, her novels include Going Underground and Little White Lies and Butterflies, which was short-listed for The Guardian's 2013 Not the Booker Prize. She has a Masters Degree in Television & Radio Scriptwriting and worked as a scriptwriter before becoming a full-time novelist. And when she's not tapping away on the computer creating her own literary masterpiece, she usually has her head in someone else's.
More about the author:
Website: http://suzietullett.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/suzietullett
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Suzie-Tullett-Author/221204154583599?fref=ts
Safkhet Publishing: http://safkhetpublishing.com/
Thanks for taking part in release day, Jo xxx