Title: I Still Love You
Author: Jane Lark
Genre: New Adult Romance 18+
Publication Date: April 30, 2015
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: HarpersImpulse
ISBN: 9780008144036
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Jason watched his new wife, Rachel, wishing he could make her laugh like she used to. She's making him up like a zombie for Halloween but she's the one acting like a zombie lately. This past year has been a rollercoaster ride for the young couple, but now suddenly the ride's stopped and Jason isn't ready to get off. He wants his Rachel back, but seeing as his Rachel is hurting because she's sick, does it really even matter what he wants
Rachel hates the sadness in her husband's eyes. It doesn't feel like he loves her anymore. But then who could love an emotional cripple like her? She's dragging him down, but knowing it doesn't mean she can control her illness any more than he can.

I didn’t realise when I started reading this that it was a short story. (I forgot that’s what it was) When I finished reading it I was a bit gutted it had ended and I now need to buy the book that Jason and Rachel were in as I need to find out more about them and their story. Although it is related to another story I didn’t feel like I had to read that before reading this one.
It was a good read about a couple dealing with a mental illness that the wife has. I haven’t read many books that deal with this issue maybe just because of the choice of books I have read or maybe it just isn’t written about very often. It was extremely well written and while I don’t have experience of this mental illness I think it was done so brilliantly and with such sensitivity. I have never connected with characters and wanted to read more of a short story as I did with this book.
It shows both sides of the story Rachel and Jason’s and I felt a connection with both of them. Usually I feel like I am on one side more than the other but with this story I didn’t I truly felt compassion and understanding for them both. It was also nice to be able to read both sides of the story rather than just the person that is suffering with the illness, you get the husbands side which helps provide a wider understanding.
It was brilliantly written and I am working on getting the other book I found you where they were originally from and I can’t wait for the next book from Jane if this is the short story she produces!

Jane is a writer of authentic, passionate and emotional Historical and New Adult Romances.
She began her first novel at sixteen, but a life full of difficulty derailed her as she lives with the restrictions of Ankylosing Spondylitis.
When she finally completed a novel it was because she was determined to be able to say I’m a writer.
Now Jane is thrilled to be giving her characters life in others’ imaginations at last.Jane is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and uses her knowledge of psychology to bring her characters to life. ‘Basically I’m a sucker for a love story. I love the feeling of falling in love and it’s wonderful to be able to do it time and time again in fiction, plus my understanding of people helps me write the really intense relationships I enjoy creating.’