Sometimes, Happy Ever After is where the real trouble begins…
Chelsea Donnolly wasn’t supposed to amount to anything. But if there’s one thing the bad girl from the estate liked better than trouble, it was a challenge. So, to the amusement of her best friends Evie, Mollie and Ruby – and the disbelief of her teachers – this bad girl turned good.
These days, Chelsea is the kind of girl people are proud to know – and, after a surprise trip to Venice, she has a ring on her finger to prove it. But to get there, she’s had to learn to keep her deepest secrets from everyone – even her fiancé. And when wedding preparations threaten to blow her cover, Chelsea can’t help but wonder: in her battle to the top, might she have left the best parts of herself behind?

I really enjoyed this book. It was quite a light read and even though it is book 2 in a series I didn’t actually notice. I like this because it means that the story can be enjoyed as a standalone or as the series. Without reading the first book I can’t say whether I will have missed details and information but I don’t feel like I did on the whole.
It was an easy story to grasp and I think Chelsea is quite a relatable character for a lot of people. The way of her childhood being unhappy and wanting more for herself and being able to see the journey through flashbacks of how she got to where she has in life. I think from the minute she is introduced you just click with her and hope she does well and achieves what she wants.
Chelsea leads 2 lives almost one with her fiancé and the other when she visits her family and you get to see where she came from. It shows the difference in lifestyles of where she comes from and to and I think this will be very real and relatable for some people. I liked reading about Chelsea’s brother and the relationship they had. I wasn’t sure if the ending would be what it was and was so happy that it turned out the way it did.
I loved the whole dysfunctional families on both sides Chelsea and her fiancé and how realistic it is. Everyone has some kind of the issues that are shown in this book and it’s lovely to see them being addressed and brought to life in a thoroughly enjoyable and easy read. It makes the situations light and easy to read without taking away the seriousness of the storyline.
I couldn’t put this book down it was wonderful I didn’t want it to finish so I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the series! This is the first book I have read by this author but I will definitely be reading more. I think this will definitely be a series that I will be pre-ordering as the new books are released and keeping up to date with.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29912901-nice-day-for-a-white-wedding?ac=1&from_search=true

A.L. Michael is hurtling towards the end of her twenties a little too quickly. She is the author of 'Wine Dark, Sea Blue', 'The Last Word', 'My So Called (Love) Life', 'Driving Home for Christmas', and 'If You Don't Know Me By Now', based upon her experiences as a London barista.
Her new three book series, The House on Camden Square, starts with 'Goodbye Ruby Tuesday' and focuses on three friends as they try to open an arts centre in Camden, in memory of their rock star friend.
She is a Creative Therapeutic Facilitator, currently researching the power of creative writing to be helpful in recovering from eating disorders, and likes running writing workshops that link together the body and the mind. When she's not writing, she likes yoga, trying to bake healthy treats and was a hipster before hipsters were hipster. Well, she likes Chai lattes and owns a Mac.
Her new three book series, The House on Camden Square, starts with 'Goodbye Ruby Tuesday' and focuses on three friends as they try to open an arts centre in Camden, in memory of their rock star friend.
She is a Creative Therapeutic Facilitator, currently researching the power of creative writing to be helpful in recovering from eating disorders, and likes running writing workshops that link together the body and the mind. When she's not writing, she likes yoga, trying to bake healthy treats and was a hipster before hipsters were hipster. Well, she likes Chai lattes and owns a Mac.
Website: www.almichael.com
Twitter: twitter.com/almichael_
Facebook: facebook.com/a.l.michael.writer
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/almichaelwriter/

This giveaway is for an Italian themed goodie bag that Andi is preparing herself which has lots of goodies in it – like processo, biscotti and other italian themed yummies! I think this giveaway will be really popular so please, please, please make sure you include this in your post somewhere!

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