Tuesday, 3 February 2015

S.C.A.R.S by Julia Ibbotson

What They Say

Dragons, knights and a boy who slips through a tear in the fabric of the universe into a fantasy medieval world …

Gavin is an ordinary boy with problems like everyone else, when he finds himself in an extraordinary situation and facing the fight of his life.  People are calling him Gawain and sending him on a medieval quest.  How has he found himself on a horse when he has never ridden one before? How come he has a sword in his hand and terrifying creatures bearing down upon him? He seems to have slipped through into another universe. But can he win the battle of Good against Evil, and can he save the land of Unor   ̶   and more importantly, can he save himself?

PLEASE NOTE: This is a children’s novel.

What I Say
I would like to thank Deb at Brooks Cottage Books for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I was aware when starting this book that it is aimed at the younger audience, but I didn't mind as I have read other books that are.  I would say this is aimed at possible the 10-15 age range rather than the YA that I usually read.  This however didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book.  It is a wonderful fantasy read that easily gets the reader caught up.

Gavin is a lovely character who is being bullied at school and uses books as his escape, especially tales of King Arthur and his medieval knights. 

One night, Gavin hears his name called on the wind, this leads him into a world where his is Gawain a Knight who must fight to save the land of Unor from evil.

This is a magical story that had me turning page after page, dying to know what happens next, so I can imagine what a younger reader would make of it.  Julia creates a magical world full of knights and dragons, good and evil.  This is just perfect to engage the younger audience into a fantasy land.  The story is fast enough paced to keep anyone glued to it.

I still can’t believe that Julia wrote this story while still at school and it has sat in her attic for forty years, I’m so glad that she dug it out and decided to release it.

About The Author

Julia Ibbotson is an author and academic, and lives in the middle of the English countryside in a renovated Victorian rectory with her husband, an orchard, a kitchen garden and far too many moles. Her four children are now grown up and she has four grandchildren. She was a school teacher for many years, teaching English and Drama, and trying to get kids to read lots and to write stories. She especially enjoyed reading out to her classes books that she loved herself. Then she became a senior university lecturer, researcher and writer. She loves travelling, choral singing, walking, sailing and swimming.

Author links

Webpage   www.juliaibbotsonauthor.com
Facebook   JuliaIbbotson author
Twitter   @JuliaIbbotson
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Available from Amazon (paperback and ebook editions) at           


The giveaway on this tour is 2 copies of the book. International winners will receive an ecopy and UK winners a paperback copy. 

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